
Swipe & Infinite Scroll

What are Swipe and Swipe Prompts?

Swipe is a feature that allows users to access the next article in Prism by swiping to the right. 

Swipe Prompts is a feature that, in addition to the Swipe, adds a swipe hint that nudges users to swipe more frequently ('Swipe to read more').

To find out more about Swipe and Swipe Prompts, click here

How to add Swipe
  1. In the Features subtab of the Prism settings tab, activate the Enable swipe toggle. 

  2. Set up the logic for content selection. 

  3. Click Save changes

Note! The content selection logic for the Swipe function is the same as for the infinite scroll function. If your site has Infinite Scroll active, changing the Swipe settings will also change the Infinite Scroll logic.


Available modes of content selection:
  • Default - If the user views recently published articles, Prism will show other recent articles. For older articles, it will select articles based on popularity and relevance.
  • Chronological - In this case, Prism will always select articles based on the date they were posted.
  • Match tags (available for Prism WP Plugin sites only) - Prism will prioritizes articles with matching tags, and otherwise sort chronologically.
Available orders of content selection:
  • New articles first (whole site) - Prism prioritizes new articles over old ones.
  • New articles first (categories) (available for Prism WP Plugin sites only) - Prism gives preference to articles of the same category, displaying the newest first.
  • Newer than the current article - Prism displays newer articles than the one the user is currently viewing. If there are not enough, it selects articles older than the current one, following the order from newest to oldest.
  • Older than the current article - Prism displays older articles than the one the user is currently viewing. If there are not enough, it selects articles newer than the current one, following the order from oldest to newest.
Available sources of content selection:
  • Same page type - only pages with the same type as the current one will be displayed.
  • Current category - only pages belonging to the same category as the current page will be displayed.
  • Parent category - if the category of the current page has a parent category (available for Wordpress sites only), it will be used to display the next article. If there is no parent category, it will work as in the current category mode.
  • Select category (available for Prism WP Plugin sites only) - only pages from the specified category will be displayed. When specifying several categories, articles will be selected first from the first category, then from the second, etc.
How to add Swipe Prompts?
  1. In the Features subtab of the Prism settings tab, make sure to activate the Enable swipe toggle.
  2. Activate the Enable swipe prompts toggle.
  3. Click Save changes


Infinite Scroll

What is Infinite Scroll?

Infinite Scroll is a technique that loads content continuously as the user scrolls down the page, eliminating the need for pagination.

To find out more about Infinite Scroll, click here

How to add Infinite Scroll
  1. In the Features subtab of the Prism settings tab, activate the Enable Infinite Scroll toggle. 
  2. Set up the logic for content selection (see above the description of available modes of content selection).
  3. Click Save changes


Note! The content selection logic for the Infinite Scroll function is the same as for the Swipe function. If your site has Swipe active, changing the Infinite Scroll settings will also change the Swipe logic.

PWA "Offline mode" 

What is PWA "Offline mode" ?

PWA "Offline mode" is a technology that allows users to navigate mobile web pages offline. 

To find out more about PWA, click here

How to add PWA "Offline mode”
  1. In the Features subtab of the Prism settings tab, activate PWA "Offline mode” by activating the toggle. 
  2. Click Save changes.


To find out more about Related Articles, click here

  1. In the Features subtab of the Prism settings tab, activate Related Articles by activating the toggle. 
  2. Set up the logic for content selection.
  3. Click Save changes.  


Available articles source
  • Match the original - Prism displays the same related articles as on the original version of the page.
  • Most popular article - Prism displays the most popular articles according to Clickio statistics.
  • Top CTR (Clickio statistics + learning) - Prism displays articles with the highest click-through rate (CTR)  for the current category according to Clickio’s statistics and machine learning.
  • Same as swipe&infinite - Prism displays the same articles that would appear if you continued to swipe or scroll.
Logic for displaying the title above the list of related articles
  • Fixed - Display a specified title
  • None - Do not display a title
  • Category name - Use the category name of the current page as a title

You can choose the number of articles to be displayed in the Related Articles widget, up to a maximum of 50.