How to Create an Ad unit?

Before proceeding, ensure the Clickio Header code is installed on your site.


1. Navigate to the Ad Units tab within the Clickio Platform.

2. Click on the "+ Add Ad Unit" button.

3. Choose the site to which you want to add the new ad unit.

4. Name the ad unit, incorporating details like position, size, and device for clarity.

5. Select the ad format: choose between Standard or Interstitial. For a standard ad unit, indicate the ad unit size. For an Interstitial ad unit, enable "Place ad unit automatically".

Additionally, the Clickio platform offers special formats such as Smart Banner (In-Article), Horizontal Sticky (Top and Bottom), Vertical Sticky (Single Sticky, Multi Sticky, Mirror Sticky), Clickio Video, Thumbnail, Header, Native, Rewarded, and High-Viewability Header. Further details on available ad formats, including comprehensive descriptions and demo pages, can be found here. As these formats require additional customization for specific sites, you can request them via your account manager or by contacting, indicating the site and the desired ad units.

6. Choose Device Targeting: opt for either Desktop + Tablet or Mobile. It's advisable to create separate ad units for desktop/tablet and mobile.

7. Click "Add" to proceed.

8. From the list on the Ad Units page, select the newly created ad unit.

9. In the Codes tab of the Ad Unit, copy and paste the ad unit Body code between the <body></body> tags of your website pages where you want the ads to display. This step isn't necessary for ad units with auto-insert enabled.

IMPORTANT: Interstitials in Ad Manager are similar to the Vignette ads (Auto ads format) in AdSense. The latter should be disabled prior to the activation of the new Interstitial. Please follow the instructions on how to do this here.